The development of the automobile began in the late 1800s. It was based on the internal combustion engine, invented by Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens in the late 1600s. One of the earliest examples of an automobile is the Model B Packard, driven by founder William D. Packard near the company’s first plant.
Benz’s inventions
Benz’s invention of the modern automobile is one of the most successful innovations of the nineteenth century. As the inventor of the first automobile, he was responsible for transforming the way people moved around. While many early cars relied on horses to move about, the modern car relies on a gasoline engine.
In the early 1870s, Benz was working in a mechanical workshop in Mannheim, Germany. He had joined forces with a partner, August Ritter, to start an engine business. Ritter, however, proved to be unreliable and the local authorities seized the company. Benz was able to buy out Ritter’s share of the company by offering him a dowry to Bertha Ringer’s father. Benz and Ringer married on July 20, 1872, and had five children.
Henry Ford’s inventions
One of Henry Ford’s inventions for automobiles was the streamlined automobile, which changed the way we travel. Henry was an aspiring farmer but his fascination with machines led him to pursue risks. His fascination led him to leave his farm in 1879 and become an apprentice at the Michigan Car Company, which produced railroad cars in Detroit. For two and a half years, Ford held a variety of jobs to learn the ropes of the automobile business.
Ford was born in Dearborn, Michigan, to parents who fled the potato famine in Ireland. At age 16, he was sent to Detroit to work in the manufacturing industry as a machinist. He returned to the family farm after three years but continued to work in factories and operate steam engines. He later married Clara Bryant, a young farm girl who lived nearby.
George Selden’s invention
The invention of automobiles was not a revolutionary idea, but it had significant implications. The automobiles of the day were not made with the same technology. As a result, their design and construction were not identical to the automobiles of today. That’s where the patent came in.
The first automobiles used an internal combustion engine to propel them forward. This engine was invented by George Brayton, who exhibited it at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia. Selden was inspired by this demonstration and eventually designed an engine of his own. He included this engine as an annex to his patent application. His patent draftsman was W.M. Rebasz, who helped him develop the design.
General Motors’ invention
The 1960s were a time of technological advances, and General Motors was no exception. Its inventors claimed to have invented a variety of new innovations, including the electric starter, high-octane leaded gasoline, and a manual transmission with synchromesh. The company also partnered with foreign car manufacturers to create vehicles that appealed to different markets.
The company was founded in 1900, and for over a century, it has been the leader in the automobile industry. Founder William C. Durant had worked as a Cigar Salesman in Flint, Michigan before moving on to create the car that would become the Model T.